Saturday, February 5, 2011


Its has bee along time since i last updated my blog. this past few weeks i've been trying to balance back my life. everything seems okay now. so now im going to start blog post for this month and this particular day about my perception about homosexuality. if you can see, one of the girls who is in the same gender relationship would mostly look like guys. And sometimes you could see hot and pretty girls end up having in a relationship with the same gender just different dressing which one would act like a guy and dress like one. Teori i adalah bahagian perempuan yg memainkan peranan sebagai perempuan in the relationship hanya berminat dekat the other girls is most probably only because perempuan itu rupa macam lelaki. percayalah,ada certain girls ini kalau dressup macam laki,memang HOT giler. Kadang2 you yg straight orang nyer boley terjatuh hati kat orang tu sebabkan rupa dia sahaja. so what im trying to say here is that 60% of the girls are only interested at the second party just because they look like hot guys and because of their looks.thats what i thought

ps:/ no hard feelings.its just my TEORI and OPINION. :)

1 comment:

  1. emm couldn't agree more. I think you're right. most girls like guys ala-ala jambu like korean drama


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